2013年5 月15日 (水)



本日は、以下のような悔しいメールがJ.Biol.Chem.からあった。先月、受理された論文内容に関する表紙をトライしたのだが不採択になった。Mol.Cell表紙に続いてと思い、以前と同じSoft Syncとのコラボでチャレンジした。内容を表した、かなり良いデザインと思っていただけに大変残念であった。ということで、せめてこのブログには掲載しておきたいと思います。


Mild electrical stimulation at 0.1-ms pulse width induces p53 phosphorylation and G2 arrest in human epithelial cells


Dear Dr. Kai:

 Thank you for submitting an illustration to be considered for the cover of JBC.  

 Unfortunately, your illustration was not selected for the cover of the issue in which your paper will appear.  We received a number of very nice illustrations such as yours. 

We hope that you will again have the opportunity in the near future to submit cover art work.




Physical stress is known to control cell machinery, which is applicable as physical medicine. Mild electrical stimulation at 0.1-ms pulse width induces p53 phosphorylation and G2 arrest in human epithelial cells. The cover depicts the defined pulse width (the shape of key) of mild electrical current is able to activate p53 pathway (p53 molecule inside the cell) through cell membrane (the hole of key). Artwork was done by Softsync (Kumamoto, Japan). For details see the article by Fukuda et al..
